My Short Story “Booze And Bobcats” Now On MasticadoresIndia

Anguish threw her vile smell around the house like a cat who sprays the coffee pot.  Strings of tension gave rise to erect hair follicles like they always did when something horrible was about to happen.  Mom and my little sister Rosa were nowhere to be found.

Dad’s car was parked in the back of the house, and he was passed out in his bedroom.  The only other possibility was a house Mom told us she cleaned for extra money.  I had briefly met Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, who lived four houses down from us, but I had never been there.  I knew I had to investigate as I worried about my little sister Rosa.

The Barnes’ house was open.  As I walked through the door, I called for Rosa and Mom, but it was quiet.  I felt something crawling up my legs and was mortified to see fleas.  I watched them leap from the grimy carpet onto my tanned skin.  They were biting me as they moved like a shadow up my legs to the bottom of my shorts.

Next, I wander on into the kitchen.  I noticed the dishes were piled all over the dining table, countertops, and the two sinks full of pots and pans—the odor had company.  There were ants, roaches, and old food stuck to them.  Flies were everywhere, and the fleas were still biting me.

My father, having retired from the military, would have never stepped foot in a house in this kind of condition.  I immediately wondered what Mom had been doing there as she obviously had not been cleaning.  The Barnes had quite a standing and respect in the community, so the condition of their house was shocking.

Calling for Mom, I moved cautiously to the only other open door, the primary bedroom.  Inside were obscene magazines about sadomasochism, and all around the unmade bed were objects I had never seen before: masks, whips, hooks, and disgusting attire.  I was naïve, but I felt dirty just walking into this room.  Even though I never heard a sound, I knew the only place left where they could be was the basement.

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67 thoughts on “My Short Story “Booze And Bobcats” Now On MasticadoresIndia

  1. “Just another weekend at the zoo”… Amazing how people learn to cope with parents who suffer with drug or alcohol addiction. Great, intense story Joni.

    1. Thank you so much Nigel. I read a book once where the Dr. Said she had a patient once that was sitting with her little sister watching tv. A naked man came through the Front door completely naked, and started yelling about her taking the soap. She got up and immediately went into the bathroom and got some soap, handed it to him, and then continue to watch the TV show. blessings to you my friend and thank you so much for reading me. Hugs and blessings to your family this weekend. 🦋

      1. I know right, it does sound a bit comedic. What the doctor was trying to say of course was that she was so used to the crazy being normal that she just did as she was told and never even bothered to tell anyone in the family until her doctor session. And I can certainly say that’s the way my life was growing up unfortunately, but it has made me the person I am today and I think that’s pretty special. Big hugs to Nigel and many blessings for your family.

    1. Thank you so much Allan for your kind comment and for reading. I am on my way to a doctors appointment (just an eye check) and so I will have to answer my other comments when I get back. Big hugs and you and your sweetie. Thanks again my friend. xoxo

    1. Thank you so much Tim. You are a blessing to me, I hope you know that. It is too crazy my husband said to not believe. Big hugs and love to you and your family. 🦋🤗❤️🌹

    1. Thank you KK for reading. It is hard to read this stuff and even harder to write. It also isn’t for everyone. If you had loving, parents and I sure hope you did, people struggle to understand. There are millions of women and men in the US that have lived life this crazy unfortunately. Please don’t feel like you need to read if it upsets you either. Blessings to you my kind friend. Hugs, Joni 🦋🤗❤️

      1. You’re right, it’s hard to read and write such stuff. That’s why I didn’t write much in my comment. I had read a similar story somewhere, and I really wondered. Anyway, love and blessings to you, Joni. Have a nice weekend 🎉🎉💖

      2. I completely understand. I wrote two books about my life through having my child. The main response was that the editor didn’t feel that they could understand or relate to the characters. My dad taught me how important your honor is – it is all you have, he use to say. This has gotten me in trouble before, some people don’t want to hear the truth. However I am grateful that he left such an impression about the importance of that. I believe that was his military life. Have a wonderful weekend and love and blessings too. 🥰

      3. So glad to know about your dad and his teachings. You’re fortunate that way. Stay blessed, always, Joni. 😊💖

    1. A healthy person would have never been either my wise friend. It is like you are programmed from an early age and after being beaten, emotionally beaten down, you live in survival mode. Thank you so much for reading dear friend, it was is a long story and for your honest comment. Sending great big hugs, Joni

    1. So cleaver dear Cassa. I have never heard that word used in that way but boy does it hit the spot. Thanks Cassa for your comment so much and for reading. Big hugs, Joni

    1. Thank you so much Cindy, I am so glad you enjoyed it. I honestly have to give Terveen the thanks for being so incredibly encouraging about writing short stories. She has been a blessing in my life. I didn’t think I was any good at stories but she never stopped being both an on-going supporter who believed in my ability but who also has provided editing suggestions on some of my stories which always improves the over all outcome. I don’t know how editors work full-time jobs and do what they do but she has been a blessing to me. I think Barbara will be a wonderful addition as well and a very supportive one. Gabriela would not have left her post unless she felt that Barbara was going to be a wonderful addition nor would the Director, j re crivella. PS Cindy I know how busy you are but seriously if you have not gone into, if you want to have the laugh of the day – go into her first video which is the disclaimer for her films (hilarious audio) and the words typed up in english will make your day! She has a real talent for movie making as well and the way she weave in her humor is incredible. Anyway, have a blessed day and do check out the disclaimer, it is just so funny. Scott and I just played it twice again this morning. She is a hoot. Love and blessings to your beautiful family always.

      1. You’re so welcome Joni. I agree with you Terveen is truly gifted and always encouraging of her followers work. What a double bonus that she is so helpful in editing etc. Barbara is very helpful as well, I agree and she will do well too. I have seen some of Treveen’s videos and they are awesome. I’ll try to get on this last one. I love her work. I can’t always get on because it gets me out of WP unfortunately!. You are one of the best supporters of everyones work and are very gifted as is she. I’m so happy you though I am compelled

        to forego both, unseasoned.

        Feeling so supported and continue to stretch and you’re work is such a blessing to all ❣️

      2. Thank you Cindy for all your kind words for everyone you mentioned, as I know they would appreciate it. I feel like it is a real blessing to work with editors that truly care about the writers as individuals. We both know that Gabriela is the same way! Sending a big hug and wishing you a nice evening with all your lovely family. Thanks again for all you kind words Cindy. Joni

      3. I agree we are blessed to have met such wonderful folks. People that work like the editors I know I believe do it for two reasons. They love to share their knowledge and when they see someone that can write, who could use a bit of guidance, they are there. We can all be better, they share their knowledge and encourage us. I think God has blessed me by bringing each of these folks in my life and they all know who they are. Sending big hugs and more love and going to bed with gratitude for the gifts that editors bring to writers, and for meeting all the amazing people we have met. Have a nice evening and I will be watching for you in MasticadoresUSA. Love Joni

      4. It’s so true Joni and their gifts are so much appreciated and do make us better writers which I so agree with. Sleep well my friend and take good care as you dream in color and love and light!
        xoxoxo ❤️

      5. What a sweet comment Cindy, thank you and you are so right about the editors! I love that “dream in color and love and light!” Blessings to you and lots of love coming your way. Big hugs Cindy

    1. Oh thank you so much Belladonna, I appreciate your kind words and for reading me at MasticadoresIndia. Sending you lots of hugs and appreciation for your kind comment. Have an amazing evening. xoxoxoxo Joni

    1. Hello and thank you so much for your kindness. Your words are very gracious. It is nice to have you here my friend. I am well, I have been working on a project with one of my longest friends, as we moved around when I was little, common with abused children, I didn’t keep up with folks along the way. We worked together and I have been helping her with something that is taking some of my time. Sending you big hugs and thanks and hope your weekend is full of love and inspiration. Joni

      1. Ahh, that’s so nice of you dear. I wish you and your friend live long and have a good project ending. You both are doing a wonderful job my job… Xoxo

      2. I just went into your blog and it says it is under construction – are you located at a new site. If so could you send the website address so I can still read your work.

  2. Heart wrenching! There are those that have reimagined the zoo therapeutically. Blessings to you during this cold dawning and always.🔔☹️❤️

    1. Oh how kind you are to take one of the busiest times of year and read on of my stories. Thank you so much that means so much to me. Sending you wishes for a wonderful holiday surrounded by loved ones, hot coffee, good food and most of all God’s love. 🦋

      1. Kindness is a most cherished gift always, especially during the year’s busiest season, and for you dear Joni well wishes to you and yours. And may fun, laughter, coffee and food garnish your festivity. Loving hugs and cheers lovely lady, and keep those beautiful writes coming. 🔔☕️❤️❤️☕️🎶☕️🔔

      2. You are so right and it was kind of you. I have seen nothing but graciousness and that sentiment year round with AmericaonCoffee. We are very blessed and will spend our Christmas together an intimate one. We will be enjoying some wonderful food and always a splendid roast of wonderful Italian coffee where we will eat early next week and see Avatar on Christmas afternoon and watch or go to a service that night. Christ and God are in our lives daily so Christmas is a day for family and friends to get together hopefully not for just gifts but to recognize the blessings that they have. God is a most wonderful blessing in our lives and He and His angels kept me safe through my childhood so I am particularly blessed. Sending you wishes for lots of love, hugs, blessings and peace in your life as well. Eat and drink your coffee blends in the homes of those you love. Thank you so much for this, it really did mean a lot to me. ☕️🥰

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