My New Poem “Enigma” Now Live On MasticadoresIndia

Poem by Joni Caggiano – Art is Public Domain (could not find name of artist)

fading, my heart envisions
a ripe fig molting tan skin
lying like a sad mason jar
empty, left alone, with a scar

odors float like memories
sparrows sing their hope
your face a repeat movie reel
fingers weep aching to feel

To read the rest of this poem please visit MasticadoresIndia ( now called ChewersMasticadores ) – Terveen Gill, Editor – Please don’t forget to like, subscribe and spread the word within this amazing community.  Happy Wednesday everyone.  

55 thoughts on “My New Poem “Enigma” Now Live On MasticadoresIndia

    1. Thank you Tim. You sure spread a lot of love and happy feelings for writers. I hope you know how much I appreciate you. Big hugs and gratitude 🙏

      1. You’re very welcome Joni! Blessings of love and peace to you both from our new place, now in Greece (for the summer only) 🌺😊🙏🏻♥️

      2. Oh how fun you two. I have always wanted to go to Greece. What an amazing place. How the most wonderful time. Love, peace and hugs right back from us. 🦋

      3. Thank you Joni so much. I don’t plan on painting, this is just a little short trip across to Chios which is very close to Turkey. We will be here only 3 days. No painting, no writing, just enjoying a holiday! Have a great weekend and lots of love and blessings to you and Scott! ♥️🌹🙏🏻😊

  1. WOWOWOW!!!! You are just overbrimming with these beautiful poems, my dear friend!!! I love this and the last poem’s images of the intertwining trees…crazy lllllovvvvellly….Congratulations!!!! Of course I’m running over right now to read the rest!!! Thank You! 😃🤗❤️🧚🏽💕😊!

    1. Thank you so much sweetie. I appreciate your sweet words very much. Sending you great big hugs. Hope it doesn’t cook you there Katydid. We are in Eastern Washington right now visiting my husband’s father and it was 103. I know it’s much hotter where you are so take care of yourself be safe and stay hydrated. Love you, Joni

      1. My absolute pleasure!!! And how lovely!!! I hope You have a wonderful time with Scott’s father! Very sweet! And yikes!!! I’m still in South Georgia! I lived in Arizona MANY years ago…so no. It’s not hotter than 103 here. But it DOES get around that with the humidity index. Hence my comment about living in a sauna! 🤣🤣🤣 Yes! Hydration is everything!!! Love You too, sweet JK!!! ❤️🌵🤠🤗💕

  2. Dear Joni,

    Once again my browser will not allow me to “like” your posts. I apologize for these constant technical problems. Thank you for sharing your talent w/ readers, my friend. You capture life and love with grace and beauty. My best wishes to you and yours always.

    Much love,

    A. <3 <3 <3

    1. Dearest Anna,

      Please don’t feel bad. This has been a problem with my site for at least ten months or more. When I read other peoples work, it may take hitting the like button up to three times before it stays on. I feel blessed that you take the time to read me. You are a blessing in my life Anna and the number isn’t as important as the message. It is an honor to be read. We saw my husband’s father and brother for three days. It was such a blessing. We fly out of WA state on Monday and we are ready to leave. When things settle when we get home I will send you an email. You stay safe and well. Love Joni 🦋❤️🙏

      love and prayers for you, Retha and the children always. Thank you for your kind wishes as they mean a lot.

  3. Such beautiful poem Joni!
    Loved your first stanza!
    gorgeous to entirety!
    “a ripe fig molting tan skin
    lying like a sad mason jar
    empty, left alone, with a scar”💖

    1. Thank you Cindy and I am so glad you enjoyed that first stanza. Thank you for reading my amazingly gifted friend. Sending big hugs and always my love for you and that gorgeous family of yours. 🦋❤️🌹🥰

    1. Susi thank you so much both for the site info and that beautiful photo and I set up an account. Thank you so much for reading me Susi. We are finally back home after two months and it is good to be back. Sending hugs and love, Joni

      1. I am thank you Susi. We were in WA State with my daughter and our three adopted grandchildren. We also went over the mountains and visited my husband’s father and brother. He lost his wife of 60 years to cancer 2 years ago. He looks great. It was nice to see him smiling. Susi I am so excited about your “Pushcart nomination” when will you hear something? I truly hope you get it. Blessing and love, Joni

      2. Awesome, glad you had a good time! I’m pretty sure I didn’t win, have heard nothing. lol It’s an incredible honor to have been nominated though. 🙂

      3. Yes it is and you deserve it too. Is there a deadline? Perhaps you will still hear but like you said it is a wonderful and prestigious nomination to receive. I am very happy for you. 🦋❤️🦋

  4. Stunning image and beautiful poetry Joni 🌸💕 I love reading your poetry, it’s always filled with so much imagery.

    1. Thank you dear Henrietta. I appreciate you reading and you always make me feel good with your kind comments. In a bit of a rut right now with my writing. Need to get back in the swing of things. I loved your last wordpress post it was very reassuring and the lovely way you linked it to natures changing was beautiful. You too have a lovely way with words. Blessings and love, Joni

  5. As always, beautiful! Your penmanship is filled with love.❤️❤️❤️❤️☕️☕️☕️☕️

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