My New Poem “The Colors of Love” Live on Masticadores USA

Unsplash Photograph Colorful Topography
Image Unsplash

Pink am I, fresh and innocent with you
Opening like a virgin bud, giving birth to beauty
You are the intoxicating fragrance that pours over me every time you breathe
Gardenias and jasmine jumping in midair like babes on trampolines where nothing can stop us from flying

To continue reading please go to MasticadoresUSA

I am honored to be published in MasticadoresUSA (Editora: Gabriela Marie Milton, Director: j re crivello.) When you visit to read the rest of the poem, please like it on the MasticadoresUSA site as well. Thank you so much for your gracious support.

79 thoughts on “My New Poem “The Colors of Love” Live on Masticadores USA

    1. Brad you are always so kind to me and supportive of my work. Thank you so much for your lovely comment and have a blessed day. Sending you lots of love, Jonikens xoxoxox

  1. Wowww..! Your painting is so beautiful dear..! I will sure see that..! Such a Amazing and fantastic poem..! Really I loved it my sweetie..! Hugs and love..!🤗💕😊💖

    1. Oh thank you Filarance, I wish I was a painter like many of the kind folks I follow are. I can barely draw a stick figure. It is actually a topographic map actually. I am amazed at how beautiful they are. Thank you for reading and your sweet comment. Love and hugs to you too, Joni xoxoxo

      1. Wowww.! You’re really awesome dear..! You’re an angel..! And its my pleasure to read your Amazing poems my friend..! xoxoxo💕🤗

    1. Thank you Cassa. I really appreciate your sweet comment. I am glad you liked it. Hope all is well with you and hoping you have an amazing day. Sending my love, Joni

    1. Oh thank you Shweta, I really appreciate your sweet comment. I feel blessed to be here. Hope you and your family have an amazing day together. Sending lots of love and hugs xoxoxxo Joni

    1. Thank you Francisco, what a kind comment. I really appreciate every word. Also thanks for the congratulations. I am grateful. I love the topography photographs, I would have never thought that they could be so lovely but I think they look like paintings. Sending lots of love to you both and hope it doesn’t get too hot for you. xoxoxo Joni

    1. Thank you Tim much appreciated. I appreciate it, I feel blessed to be here among such talent. Sending you both hugs. I still can’t get over that dancing beaver. Precious! xoxoxo Joni

  2. Congratulations on your colourful passionate poem being chosen for this site. Beautiful words as always Joni. Enjoy your Sunday.🤗🤗🤗Allan

    1. Thank you Allan. I really appreciate your kind comment. I hope that your Sunday is going well and that you are both staying cool. Grateful for your support Allan, I am honored to be here. Sending you both hugs, Joni

    1. Hi John, thank you so much. I bet you are glad you don’t have to leave your house to use the internet somewhere else. It is strange what can happen when your internet goes out. We just had about a three minute timeframe when for some reason we lost our signal. When that happened I lost several comments, they just disappeared. Strange things. I hope it is not getting too hot for you. Stay safe and cool. Love Joni xoxoxo

      1. I am so glad you got that fixed. I think a lot of people have found out how convenient working at home is especially if you have a long commute. Love ❤️ Joni

  3. Lovely. I find myself running out of adjectives, Joni. Not b/c your work is in any way lacking. Just the opposite. Each piece is beautiful in its own way. Thank you for sharing your talent and inspiration w/ the rest of us. Sending you much love, dear friend. God bless. <3 <3 <3

    1. Thank you dearest Anna. Your words have really touched my heart. I appreciate your reading my work so much. I am sending love and prayers your way. ❤️🤗😘💕 Anna I still haven’t heard any news. ❤️❤️Joni

  4. These are breathtaking words my dear friend from closer than far that always weaves such admiration and joy.. 💖💖💖💖💖 love you Joni❣️❣️❣️

    1. Oh thank you Cindy. You are so kind to read my work as busy as you have been. You say such lovely words about my work touching my heart.

      You are a light that shines so bright. Thank you. Love ❤️ Joni

    1. Oh thank you so much Stuart. What a kind comment too.

      “Startling piece” this made me smile Stuart. I am a very passionate woman and that can be a good thing and a bad thing. I have a temper too. I can be like a little ball of fire ☄️ not something I am proud of and I am constantly working on that. I think a lot of artist are passionate. The “Methuselah Strain,” your book, was full of wonderful passionate reading.
      Sending hugs 🤗 to you both. ❤️Joni

      1. That passion infuses your poetry, Joni. Passion in an artist is always to be admired. Temper? I know there are reasons for that in your past.
        Thank you for the kind comment on my novella.

      2. You are right of course. Your novella was an amazing piece of entertainment, fascinating look into our “could be” future and an amazing surprise ending. An altogether excellent read.
        You two stay out of trouble. ❤️Joni

  5. This is so gorgeous my dearest friend. So beautiful and pure. Loved how fluidly it moves❣
    “You are the intoxicating fragrance that pours over me every time you breathe” So moving and descriptive💕
    Love this poem a lot!

    1. Thank you Ishita so much. You are so kind to read me. It is a true blessing as I know your studies are demanding. I haven’t seen any new post on your site is that because of your busy schedule? I assume that is why. Your writing is way too good not to continue but I understand the demands of school and study. Thank you again for reading. Sending you and all your family my love. ❤️🤗🤗❤️Joni

  6. Another amazing and beautiful poem, Joni! I’m so happy that you are getting your work out there so more people can discover how wonderfully talented you are! 💕🌻🥰

    1. That is such a wonderfully thoughtful and kind thing to say. Thank you Tiffany. Got home about an hour ago looking forward to seeing your post of the show. Sending love ❤️ 🤗❤️😘Joni

    1. I don’t know how this comment ended up in pending but I am glad I found it, what a very kind comment. Thank you again Jeff for your support. I am so glad I found it. Again, I am so appreciative of your support and comments. Have an amazing evening in the sunset. Hugs, Joni

      1. Ah, I’m so glad you found it. How lovely. You’re most welcome, dear Joni. Is my complete pleasure to read your lovely work. Thank you. Love to you. ❤️

  7. So sensually dreamy yet with a sensibility that’s indicative of the profound awareness of love. This is gorgeous. Also, that image is beautiful!

    1. Oh thank you so much. I truly appreciate your kindness and your lovely comment. Thank you. I loved that photograph also. I did not realize I was looking at topographic pictures at first. Amazing how colorful our earth is and I just hope we can keep it beautiful. Love and hugs 🤗 Joni

      1. Wow, I didn’t realize it was a Topo map until you mentioned it. It does look like relief features. Our planet is truly beautiful.
        Love and hugs to you too! ❤️

      2. I know neither did I. You are right our world is still beautiful we just all have to work hard to keep it this way. Have an amazing evening. Love and hugs to you, Joni

  8. In technicolor and passion with a bit of the child’s delight bouncing on the trampoline(I LOVE this image), you paint your canvas of love with such descriptive tenderness..I picture these lovers mixing their essences, their paint being poured into each other, the flowers turning into perfume…Oh Joni, I love how you totally captured me inside this piece.. Outstanding writing my fabulous poet- artista!!🌈❤️🤗🌹🔆💐

    1. Thank you so very much Karima. What a lovely way to describe this piece, you certainly captured it’s meaning perfectly, which does not surprise me at all. Thank you so very much for this gorgeous complement, this is so sweet and beautifully put. Sending you lots of love my talented and amazing friend. Love and many lovely thoughts coming your way. xoxoxoxo Joni

  9. Congratulations my friend. I’m so very pleased that your work is being recognized in so many ways. That truly makes me happy for you. Love you ❤️

    1. Thank you my dearest friend. I hope that the smoke has died down from all the fires and that you and Mark can enjoy the outside and the time you have left at the cabin. I still can not believe how hot it is there. I bet you have a great tan. Looking forward to seeing all your great photographs when you return. Sending you so much love Janette. Thank you always for all your kind words and encouragement. A special thanks for the early morning call for your encouragement to go forward with the first procedure, you were right of course it was very painful but now two more to go. Thank you for always being there Janette. Love to you both, please watch out for those baby cubs. Give Mark my love too. xoxoxoxo Joni

  10. In technicolor and passion with a bit of the child’s delight bouncing on the trampoline(I LOVE this image), you paint your canvas of love with such descriptive tenderness..I picture these lovers mixing their essences, their paint being poured into each other, the flowers turning into perfume…Oh Joni, I love how you totally captured me inside this piece.. Outstanding writing my fabulous poet- artista!!🌈❤️🤗🌹🔆💐

    1. Oh thank you my friend and artist extraordinaire. Thank you for your beautiful description of my poem. I am delighted you saw so much in this piece.
      I am glad you enjoyed the child’s part too.
      I need to get into your sight and see what you have going on dear Karima. I am trying to write a review and my mind is all over the place. It is so easy to get distracted once on WordPress. Sending my love and gratitude for your very gracious words. Love ❤️ Joni

    1. Thank you sweetheart. I am so happy for Gabriela, I know you are too. Such a magnificent poet.
      Sending you lots of hugs and love. So grateful we met and you have introduced me to your process. I still have so much to learn. ❤️🤗🦋🦋💕🥰

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