Bashful Lily

Poem written by Joni Caggiano on 06/25/20 – Photo by Couleur on

black and white notes of the wide-eyed dusty piano
spare the two lovers their uncharted melody
bare windows are dripping tales on the inside
while flushed water lilies turn their petals bashfully
emerald green and scarlet was their cottage on the sea
rising from the bed now, sated, he moves with a focus
smelling bacon, and fresh coffee brewing, her smile floats
tastebuds form a map, that takes her towards the smells;
sand, odorous, and damp sheets create their beloved nest
love had been born, bred and resurrected within these walls
symbolic of the perfect pearl, aging in its oyster shell
“for sale,” their sixty years of marriage, is now dishonored
their story reduced to an insensitive, and strange realtor’s tale

45 thoughts on “Bashful Lily

  1. Many people look at an “old” house as dirty, old-fashioned, past it’s prime, etc, but to someone that lived there, it was their home. Like when the human body gives out and becomes just a fleshy shell when they die, when a family leaves a house or the material shell, the soul of that house also leaves. Not until another soul, or family occupies that material shell does it become a home again. It doesn’t become a mature soul until much later.

    We live in such a throwaway world – when something outlives its usefulness, it’s generally thrown out, replaced without thinking twice, not thinking about the value of what’s left behind. In the case of a sixty year marriage, all of which lived under the same roof, you can almost feel the old soul that once occupied it when you enter it. While you can’t possibly explain all that went into the soul of that home, you’ve done a beautiful job painting a loving picture of the life that was there and how priceless and unappreciated that soul is, or sadly and more accurately, was. Bravo!

    1. Thank you so much for your very thoughtful comment. What you are saying is so true. In the US we quickly tear down things that are not old at all. On occasion a building will get torn down that is still being paid for by a tax the town, City is collecting. Yes, I too can feel love in a house when I visit sometimes. Thank you for visiting and sharing my friend ❤️ love Joni

    1. Thank you so much dear friend. I am delighted you liked it Judy. Hope you had a great day today. Sending you love and hugs. ❤️💕🤗 Joni

      1. Your poems always astonish me, I admire your talent. Have a wonderful day, Joni, love and hugs to you💖🤗🌷

    1. Thank you so much Brad. I am so glad you enjoyed it. I was not sure about the ending so thank you for your kind comment. Have a blessed evening Brad. Sending lots of hugs and love 💕 Joni

    1. Thank you my sweet friend. How kind of you. Thank you so much for the reblog. Sending you lots of hugs and love to you and yours. 🌺🌸❤️Joni

      1. You are very graciously welcome oh sweet lady. You are a very kind person to do it for. Lots of hugs and love to you.

  2. Such a gorgeous poem sweetheart. A tale of life with what it has to offer. Very rich verse. One can get lost in its richness and its beauty. You are a very talented and blessed soul honeybun.
    love you
    G (Button)

    1. Oh thank you so much beautiful Button. As always, thank you so much for reading and being so supportive of my work. It means so much to hear from you. I can’t imagine how busy you must be. My love, heart and prayers for happiness goes out to you dear friend. 🌺🌸❤️💕 Joni

      1. My pleasure honeybun. You deserve so much praise. “My love, heart and prayers for happiness goes out to you dear friend” I can’t thank you enough for this Joni. It means a lot to me.
        Sending prayers and love your way too.

  3. This is so wonderful. So splendid. I got lost in the words. I absolutely adored the imagery! This poem captured my heart❤
    Stay safe💕
    Love, hugs and blessings😘🌹

    1. Ishita you are such a kind and warm hearted friend. Thank you very much for your support. I am so glad you enjoyed the poem. Sending you love, hugs and blessings for safety. Love you Joni

    1. Oh thank you sweet Mia. I do so appreciate your kind words and support so much. I pray you have a blessed day my friend. Love and hugs 🤗 Joni

  4. What a lovely and interesting writing. Your words and scenes are so moving into dissolves in time and settings that uniquely references change. I thoroughly loved it and the imagery.🌺🥰🌺

    1. Oh thank you so much my friend. I appreciate your kind comment. I know you are extremely busy so I am grateful for both the visit, read and comment. I am up early this morning trying to catch up. Yesterday was a writing day for me. I can smell the coffee brewing which I definitely need. Sending love ❤️ and hugs for an amazing weekend. Joni ☕️☕️❤️🌸🌺

  5. Beautiful words the the agents brashness rarely capture the love essence which fills a home when they prepare their manuscript to sell it. The walls would speak if you let them.

    1. Oh so well put my dear friend. That should have been a line in this poem. Thank you for your very generous compliment. I always appreciate your visits and responses. I love your site. Sending hugs, loves and blessings for great health to you and all your loved ones. 🌺🌸🤗❤️

  6. Such a beautiful poem. I admire your work so much Joni. Your poetry is so fresh, pure and so full of vivid images and emotions of love and peace. All the best and love from Spain to you both.

    1. Oh thank you Francisco. I am so glad you liked it. Thank you for reading and your kind words. Sending love to you both from us. Hope your wife is able to find a lovely place for you to stay. That sounds so nice. Hugs to you both. 🤗🤗❤️💕Joni

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