Humble Myself

Oh God, my enemy’s who hurt my heart  I must love,
I cling to your teachings and the affection you sent
With your beloved son Jesus who now reigns above.
In my life, I am never worthy of your love, for I’m bent.

The sinful thing that I am, born this way, and yet you love,
This weak and utterly disappointing person living in me
Oh, Jesus my Savior who was always white as the dove
Forgives my hideous sins committed that in me, you see.

My heart cries out for you in times when my body is weak,
It is your devoted love I yearn for and so cling to so fast
Oh, Father, I humble myself to you, as your counsel I seek
For all things present that cause me such pain in the past.

In your loving arms my dearest Jesus I pray that you hold me,
Pure love came forth from your mouth as you preached
When I am finally in heaven with you, I will indeed be free,
Like your child, you died for so that my soul could be reached.

by JK Caggiano 11/1/19

11 thoughts on “Humble Myself

  1. You captured both the depravity of our sinful state and His love for all by His atoning sacrifice. It brought to mind Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Nice poem!

    1. Oh thank you so much. Your comment means so much and that is a great example of God’s word. So appreciative that you visited and commented. Sorry it took so long to post but I am not use to getting many comments and I was actually blessed with a few. Love ❤️ Joni

    1. So grateful that God loves me and will never forsake me. Thank you dear Anna. We are so blessed God is in our lives. You are so kind to read my work. Love you ❤️and sending prayers and blessings. Joni

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