Luna Moths Mating

The Luna moth is the largest in North America. They are precious because they are rarely seen.  Their name comes from the circular shape on their wings.  They only live for 7-10 days, and they don’t eat. They don’t even have a mouth. They live on the fat they acquire from their cocoons. They lay approximately 200 eggs that hatch in one week. We were blessed to see two nights of courting, and then we saw the mating of two moths.

E-520 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA – Pictures by Joni


4 thoughts on “Luna Moths Mating

  1. What a precious sight to see & capture on film. This is so wonderful, thank you for sharing this Joni!

    1. You are so welcome dear friend. They are so beautiful. They spent two days courting on the screen and then they are connected for about twelve hours. It was amazing. They are the biggest silk moths. Glad you enjoyed them. Nature is just such an amazing thing. I love you buddy. Hugs and prayers and blessings to you and your family. Love you Joni 💕🤗❤️🌸🌺🙏

  2. Hello my dearest Joni
    How did I miss two of your posts? I am very sorry for that. Will you forgive me sweetheart?
    I love the photos and the info is interesting. Thank you so much for sharing.
    Have a lovely night honeybun.

    1. I am so glad you liked it my dear friend. I imagine you missed it for the same reason I am just seeing this. WordPress is extremely active right now and I am certainly having trouble keeping up. Never worry about that please. We all have lives outside of our love for writing. Hugs sweet Button. From honeybun. 💕❤️😘🤗🌺

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