My New Poem “Aftershock” Now Live On MasticadoresIndia

Photo by Aleksandra Sapozhnikova on Unsplash – Poem by ©Joni Caggiano

her face resembles the

pathways of a troubled life

hair so white it was spun

by the moon’s shadow

sitting at a table molded

from an ancient cypress

tears float from olive eyes

opening her fissuring lips

black roses and screams of old

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19 thoughts on “My New Poem “Aftershock” Now Live On MasticadoresIndia

    1. Thank you Tim. You are so thoughtful. Yes, I don’t remember a time especially when I was little, when I didn’t talk to God. I truly believe His protection was with me. Blessings my friend. ❤️🦋

  1. Oh, Joni, that was a masterpiece! Congratulations on such a captivating poem. You are quite the poetess! Writing poetry is not my wheelhouse although I have written some. I’ll stick to being The Storyteller and let poets like you write the beautiful poems! 💕

    1. Hi Nancy thank you so much for all your encouragement and your kind words. I am trying to learn how to write interesting
      stories, it’s not nearly as easy as it looks, or reads especially if it’s one of yours or some of the other amazing storytellers online. So hats off to you my friend and thank you so much for all your support sending big hugs and love, Joni

    1. Thank you Tiffany. Do you ever paint something and then later look at it and Say wow, did I paint that? Sometimes that happens with me when I write a poem, I read this one later and said wow I can’t believe I wrote that.
      I appreciate your very kind comment Tiffany as I consider you to be quite talented and appreciate anything you have to say about my writing. I am sending you much love and thanking you for your continued support. Love you, Joni

    1. Henrietta you always make me feel gracious and thankful even more for being in the community. Big loves to you and your family. ❤️🦋🤗🌹

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