The Earth Cries

love brought a great storm
to quiet the hate in all
bringing hope and peace

teardrops fall silent
while the Amazon sleeps hot
animals cry out

the youth demand change
to save the green planet earth
and her water blue

God’s great birth of life
is not ours to take away
but one to preserve

Haiku by Joni 1/2/20

From Wikipedia From Jan. 2019 until currently 906,000 hectares or (2,240,000 acres) have burned. Cause – Lash and burn approach to deforest lands for agriculture.

13 thoughts on “The Earth Cries

    1. We all must hang on to hope for a better, kinder, and more loving way of life. I agree. Thank you my dear friend for always following. I love and miss you Janette. Hugs and love coming your way. Joni

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words Bulbul and also for being mindful of how seriously this problem of slowing destroying God’s earth truly is for all of us. Bless you my friend. Have a love filled weekend. Love 💕 Joni

    1. Oh I am so glad you liked it thank you. It is very sad what is happening to our glorious earth. I hope you are having lots of light in your days my friend. Love ❤️ Joni

      1. I am so sorry how horrible to see that devastating so close. I hope you are safe. We will pray for God to stop the fire. Please be careful. Love you Joni

      2. So glad and grateful for the rain. We will continue to pray for them to stop same as the clearing of trees for agriculture in the Amazon. Stay safe love you.

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