Taken Down A Notch or Two

A couple of days ago I was taken down a notch or two. It was a blessing for me. I can’t spare too many inches as I am already only five foot two. However, I find myself a bit shorter today. I realized that I had judged someone a bit harshly who I felt had not been kind to my family. Now I can also look forward to not only standing on the top shelf of the freezer in the grocery store so that I can reach my favorite items. Now, I will have to climb up on the back of a kind and willing stranger who will give me a lift to grab my yogurt.

Someone whom I know to be a wise man on this earth, and whom I respect a great deal, has set me straight. Well at least for now. I shared my thoughts about the specific treatment from this individual and how I thought it had been unprofessional and unkind. When I realized through his replies that I was very likely the one who had misjudged the situation altogether, I was the one who had been unkind to speak of her actions with a quick sentence.

Instead of judging her unfairly, I should have given her the benefit of the doubt. My fierce protective nature for my family is not always something that the Lord would be proud of. It certainly was not in this case, of that I am certain. This person I was speaking with was bound by professional standards and would never repeat what I had shared. So it wasn’t like it was static gossip if there is such a thing. Still, I felt ashamed that I had felt anger towards this individual and most likely unfairly so. She too was fighting her own battles. Aren’t we all if we are truly honest?

I know that God wants us to love our fellow brothers and sisters like ourselves. Not an easy thing to do but hopefully we should all strive for improvement every day. I am grateful for my professional friend and thankful for the humbling lesson, which by the way, was not at all what he was trying to do. He was just kinder and more considerate than I and a much more mindful and forgiving soul.

Thanks, Dr. J, for the lesson.

Unkind Words

It slithers and also can sneak
That creature, our anger,
Until we are tiny and weak.

Spit out our unkind words,
We can’t take them back,
Like an open cage to the birds!

Shut that mouth up real tight,
Say nothing at all if need be,
For soon it’s too late to make right!

By Joni

Please comment if you have some wisdom on this subject you would like to share. Hopefully, you will help someone. Thanks for reading….

4 thoughts on “Taken Down A Notch or Two

  1. Your humble apology is touching, Joni. A lesson learned. I know I find it intensely painful to be misjudged. Like you, I pray for forgiveness when I have misjudged others, and ask that God offset any harm I may have done. “Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil” (Ps. 37: 8).

    1. That is a wonderful memory verse Anna. I had forgotten about this post all together but sometimes it is good to be taken down a notch as I am fiercely protective of my family but that doesn’t excuse bad behavior or judging at all. I am always so touched by your reading my work sweet Anna. You have had years of work and so much going on and you bless me with the kindness of reading my words. I can’t tell you how much it means to me my friend. I love you ❤️

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